General base stipend info

Make sure you’re getting the raise that we fought for ! 

What should your base stipend be? 

In the spring of 2022, we fought hard for a fair and livable wage. Your stipend for the fiscal year 2023 will reflect all of our hard work: 

• Across the board equity adjustment of $3,875

• Stipend increase effective July 1, 2022 of 4.25%

• Completion of Standardization of Summer Base Stipend Across Disciplines

This all equates to an effective raise of 18.7% for the Humanities and Social Sciences and an effective raise of 12.9% for Sciences.

Please read our most recent wage agreement HERE

Base stipends for the Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1st, 2022 - June 30th 2023) 

Academic year base stipend: 


Summer base stipend: 


Total 12 month stipend: 


→ Your pre-tax pay per month should be:  $3,534.25 

→ Your pre-tax pay per year  should be:  $42,411.03